stochastic pattern

英 [stə'kæstɪk ˈpætn] 美 [stə'kæstɪk ˈpætərn]

网络  随机图案; 随机格局; 随机散斑特征



  1. The probabilistic convergence theories of ACPSAs are also given by stochastic pattern search algorithm theory.
  2. As far as the stochastic rock mass plane is concerned, The method projection on equator plane is based on ascertaining preferred plane and analyzing latent destroy pattern of slope.
  3. Aiming at the stochastic transfer delay inherently existing in the control network, a novel control pattern is proposed, which implements the modeling of the network control system with multi_step stochastic transfer delay.
  4. By using finite element ( FE) method and considering the stochastic dependence of the discharge growth probability on the local electric field, the discharge pattern and fractal dimension were obtained with calculation of distribution of electric field in system of needle-plate electrode by computer.
  5. The Application of Stochastic Dynamic Procedure to the Prognosis of Weather Pattern with Microcomputer Operational System
  6. A Study of the Stochastic and Spectral Distribution for the Wide-Interval Frequency-Hopped Pattern Based on the Markov ′ s Process
  7. Based on the stochastic and fuzzy characteristics of flow pattern, a new fuzzy flow identification method was presented.
  8. Spatial simulation and prediction of land use and land cover using adaptive stochastic rules and landscape pattern characteristics
  9. In this paper, an implicit stochastic optimization model is propsed for reservoir operation, which is the model of Monte-Carlo Network Analysis and Pattern Search ( MC-NAPS).
  10. This paper describes a spatially explicit stochastic model based on Markov chains and maximum likelihood rule, which includes the landscape pattern expressed by class concurrences probability matrix and adaptive local estimation.
  11. Considering a class of stochastic system under noise disturbance, by the discretion of the system error bounds and transforming the system identification problems to pattern recognition problems, this paper presents a description method to system model, and the corresponding neural network model has been built.
  12. Simulation method of stochastic pattern of rock mass structure
  13. A Study on Stochastic Differential Equation of the Pattern of Movement about the Reciprocating Pump Valve
  14. Some new concepts& rough classification and rough event classes of stochastic events have been presented to establish soft computing models used to identify stochastic events pattern.
  15. In the deterministic model situation, We discusses situations of permit stock out and non-permit stock out, proposed mathematical models that have certain theory and the use value; In the stochastic pattern model situation, the article discuss the single-cyclical and the multi-cyclical stock order strategy.
  16. Stochastic neural networks are becoming increasingly ubiquitous in the real word, such as global optimization processing, signal processing, pattern recognition.